HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018! Oh my how the time does fly! The Costumer in me has been recuperating in January from the December 17th production and other responsibilities before that date. Help was needed to distribute, repair, fit, attend rehearsals and was not available until the dress rehearsal and the final show. The production was an overall success where persons who opinions I value approached me and were happily complimenting the program. That filled my heart with joy.
I have a young lady, a high school student, who has shown interest and promise to the world of theater and wants to major in technology in college then use that technology to work behind the scenes in the area of costumes. She expressed that she learns so much when she works with me and truly enjoys the experience.
I could not pay her for her assistance but I did present her with a copy of the guide I refer to when necessary, "The Costume Technician's Handbook," by Rosemary Ingham and Liz Covey. This book was recommended by a one of a kind instructor, facilitator at FIT. It is the go to book for almost everything having to do with costumes. Immediately, I replaced the book for it is like gold. She started perusing the book immediately.
When I wrote the last post in October 2017, I was actually in New Jersey, taking coursework at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). The certificates in the related areas of Costume Design Specialist and Wardrobe Technician are within my reach with just a few classes to take. I bit off a little more that I can chew and the result was having to drop two of the 5 classes. Upon my return home, there was an online course to complete along with two major assignments due to my instructors in a timely fashion. Lots of pressure and time constraints but the missions were completed
satisfactorily. Did I also include the job of helping to organize the details for a 50th Birthday Celebration for a dear friend in this timeline? The Costumer I Am would have it no other way than to be constantly in motion; creatively, that is.
This coursework along with the interaction with instructors and students from throughout the world has served to enhance, reinforce, exhilarate, encourage, develop, extrude, examine, master, motivate, ignite, focus and so much more. The experiences have been absolutely priceless.
Ethan's quilt had been put aside for a time. Part of it was because the flow of the creative process (How do I place these 16 blocks together after making the decisions on the blocks to create (colors & fabrics)?) The other part was those projects and events in between. Alas, the top is done mostly. What do you think? My design wall is coming on the posts to follow.