Saturday, June 25, 2016

On 5/27 I was involved in a horrible accident and my activities have been limited in comparison to the past. The items from the destroyed car were placed just inside the entrance to the studio. BIG mistake! It has since been corrected.

This post will represent additional views of my studio. The top photo are two stacks of blocks for a quilt I am  planning just because. I showed them to two ladies who are aware of sewing techniques and both said I was crazy because the stack in the forefront consists of a take on crazy quilting or basically improvisational. I am using scraps for the quilt. The story is, and I am sticking to it, that these are fabrics from past projects and there were no newly purchased pieces for this project. The stack behind consists of solids or one fabric type. The plan is to at least complete the top prior to summer's end. We will see.

Here where I hang costumes and other garments both finished and those not. It takes up little space being sufficient enough to hang a few garments even those that are floor length.

Since I have had to make adjustments in my routine, my next posts will be based on where I shop and what they feature. Until then, tell me what you think.


  1. I think that the improvisational quilt will be not just beautiful but also a wonderful conversation piece when its completed- and just think- if you want to switch up the story sometimes on why certain patches are placed where you can....b/c no one will know the difference!

  2. I would say the fact that you have a seperate room dedicated to your passion and that it is organized in way that is both comfortable and allows you to complete your creations in a timely manner is a testament to your organizational skills!

    1. Having a dedicated room or space has been a requirement for several years now. Keeping it contained is a constant work in progress. I realize often that it is something every creative person does not have. So I also realize I am blessed.

  3. Thanks Meg for your kind words. In my creative times, I lean on improvisational techniques often.
